L’équipe de Neurochirurgie participe au 96ème Congrès de la SOFCOT en animant le symposium « Notre responsabilité écologique au bloc opératoire »
L’équipe de Neurochirurgie participe à la sensibilisation des professionnels de santé sur les méningiomes hormono-induits dans le cadre d’Octobre Rose
Location of the meeting (Saturday 17 November): the Hotel-Dieu Saint-Jacques (2 Rue Charles Viguerie, 31059 Toulouse)
Dear colleagues and friends,
After more than ten years of radiosurgical practice, Toulouse University Hospital has acquired a Leksell Gamma Knife ICON for the neurosurgical community and sharing the LGK unit with La Clinique des Cèdres and La Clinique de l’Union.
Being a fresh member of your community, we are very honored to have been chosen to host the ELGKS Meeting 2018 in Toulouse on November 16 – 18, 2018.
Some of you know that it has not been easy for us to acquire a Leksell Gamma Knife and the project, dare I say the dream, of Pr Yves Lazorthes took more than 20 years to become reality.
We want to express our thanks to all those who helped us: our friends from Marseille, Lille and Paris but also from Europe and particularly from Madrid, Tilburg and Lausanne.
The support of Pr Jean Regis from the very beginning, has been of paramount importance. He trained our complete team, even though the outcome of our quest was far from being certain; his kind efforts and friendship never failed us.
We hope the meeting will meet your expectations with the scientific program created for you, and with you, paying attention to keep the spirit of the ELGKS 2018 meeting as an informal encounter.
We are all well aware of that it is not easy to follow Roma, the Eternal City, and this most successful meeting organized by Pr Enrico Motti in 2017. Nevertheless, we are confident that you will find your stay in Toulouse, the Pink City, to be a most enjoyable experience.
Please note that the meeting starts on Friday evening November 16 with a get together at the Hotel Mercure Wilson; the scientific meeting will take place on Saturday November 17 and Sunday morning November 18 at the Hotel Dieu which is walking distance from the Hotel Mercure Wilson where accommodation has been organized for your stay.
Within short – approx. end of August – a draft of the scientific program and other information such as registration fees, accompanying persons program and more, will be posted on the meeting website: http://www.egksociety.org/en/
Registration and Hotel booking will be done on the meeting website as well.
Please join us in making the ELGKS 2018 meeting an interesting, inspiring and – not at least – also a socially nice event for all participants!
Projet humanitaire « enfants du monde » missions neurochirurgicales au Burkina Faso avec le Dr De Germay.
L’équipe de Neurochirurgie participe au Congres Annuel de la Société Française de Chirurgie Rachidienne.